Place Led Engagement Process to Inform Land Sales | Suburban Land Agency
With Petra Oswald, Program Manager Built Form, SLA & Jo Stroud, Senior Project Manager Urban Projects, SLA
A discussion with the Suburban Land Agency on how they use a place led engagement process to inform land sales.
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Video Chapters
0.16 Roles & Responsibilities of SLA
1.05 Gold Creek Homestead Precinct
2.29 Motivation for adopting a place-lead engagement process
3.30 Steps in the process and stakeholders
4.58 The stakeholder panel
7.40 How did the panel define community values?
8.36 Benefits for stakeholders
10.15 Internal communication of the process
11.30 Measuring success
13.07 Overall benefits of process
14.55 Partners in the process
16.00 Greatest lesson & challenge
Video Credits
Produced by | Place Leaders Asia Pacific
Videography by | MAX Agency